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Showing posts from December, 2018

First Frost Ornaments

I have one more project to show you all using the First Frost Bundle and the Labeler Alphabet stamp set. I am so excited to tell you all about this project! Last year before Christmas, I was searching on Pinterest and came across some cute ornaments that I knew I could recreate with the help of my boyfriend, Joe, who is a woodworker. He helped me make them, and I stamped words on them using my Labeler Alphabet set. When I was decorating my tree this year, I found them and fell in love with them all over again. A few days before I decorated my tree, Joe was asking me what I think he should make as gifts for people for Christmas, and when I remembered I had these ornaments, I said we should make some more sets of them. So, we made a bunch of sets of our ornaments to give to family and friends for the holidays. After we made them, I was thinking about how we would package them to give as gifts. I saw some cute Christmas boxes and tins at Hobby Lobby, but Joe reminded me that the point...

First Frost

Hi everyone! Long time, no see. I had such a busy semester that I have not been keeping up with my blog like I've wanted to. That doesn't mean I haven't been busy stamping! Now that I'm done with school for about a month, my goal is to catch up on sharing everything I've been up to! Christmas is just around the corner, and I wanted to take some time to share a few of my favorite projects with you all. The First Frost Clear-Mount Bundle from the Frosted Floral Suite was something that caught my eye immediately when I first looked through the Holiday Catalog. And sure enough... almost all of my projects that I have done for Christmas have used this bundle! I will share a few of them here. Here are four cards I created with this bundle. What I love about the products in this suite is that you have the freedom to create more than just Christmas cards. The first picture was the card I sent out to friends and family for the Holidays, but it could really be used for ...